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Things involved in a Small Window AC Installation

This particular type of air conditioning goes by many names but is most often recognized for its simplicity and convenient shape. Window air conditioners or box air conditioners (depending on how you use it) are reliable, portable and efficient.

They do not require much effort to pack and store away, or transport to another location. It is the best choice as an air conditioning unit for those who wish to travel a lot and live at different rental properties. It is easier to dismantle hence won't take much effort to clean either and can be installed in a matter of a few hours. Read on to find out more about what goes into Small window air conditioners installation if you're from the Gold Coast.

Repairing and Servicing a Window Air Conditioner

Window air conditioners are a suitable option for those individuals who wish to avoid hefty repair charges. These do not need strictly regularized repair services in order to run smoothly. They are quite ideal in cooling and conditioning your home during the scorching bit of summer. When the time finally arrives to have the AC unit cleaned, it is best recommended by professionals to change the filter. This is probably the most important step in the AC repair process.

In that respect, the one thing that AC owners worry the most about is the collection of dirt in their units. This can cause terrific damages to internal parts like the evaporator coil or the ventilation fan. In order to service a box ac, the first few things the technician would consider is the brand, model and age of the unit in question.

Once that has been determined, the technician will conduct a thorough clean up of the entire unit before determining which parts require repairing or replacement.

Sometimes replacing a single component is much more cost effective than repairing the entire unit. In case of older models, finding spare parts may be a difficult challenge in which case replacing the entire box ac is the more logical choice.

Benefits of installing a Window Air Conditioner

[1] Efficiency :

The window air conditioning units available in the market today come with a number of cooling and power saving modes instead of basic high and low settings of old. These type of units account for more power saving, making them an efficient cooling investment.

[2] Affordability :

Small box AC units are manufactured based on a affordability margin. Larger unit which are able to cover more ground would obviously weigh heavy on the price tag. Individuals who run on a more restrictive budget can easily afford installing a window AC.

[3] Ease of Purchase :

Given its high affordability margin, window air conditioners are widely available in the market; in both retail and online stores.

[4] Ease of Installation :

Unlike a central ducted cooling system that requires considerable experience and investment to install, window box air conditioners offer a much more simplified concept. They are fairly straightforward to use and install, and does not require expert knowledge to maintain.

DIY Steps for Window Air Conditioning Installation

[1] Room Capacity :-

Window air conditioners are availble in different sizes and capacities, hence it is wise to choose a unit which is specific to the requirement of the room you wish to install it in. The effectiveness of the cooling system is heavily reliant on factors like size of the room, dimensions of the door in comparison to the room as well as the number of people presiding inside the room at the time of cooling.

[2] The Right Window :-

This step takes place before the purchase of your ac unit, since you need to first select a window and measure its size in order to look for units that fit the bill. You can compare if AC size fits in perfectly with the dimensions of your window by measuring the width of the window followed by measuring the same for the AC.

It is okay if the window is larger than the AC in which case you can use special panels to fill in the gap, but the same is not applicable to narrow windows which is when you need to replace the unit entirely. It is best to remember that there are two categories of window air conditioners; casement windows and double-sash windows.

[3] Measure the Window :-

It is common knowledge of how abundant window designs can be. This makes it slightly difficult to just consider any window for installing your AC. Before moving ahead with the installation you would need to ensure the window of your choice is sturdy and reliable. If not, then repairs are in order to make the installation more long lasting.

[4] Place Unit :-

This is the fun part of the entire process. It is now time to unpack the AC units and begin assembling according to the given instructions. Box air conditioners come along with several attachable components like accordion-style panels and flanges that keeps the unit in place. Place it within the window and fix it in with a few screws.

[5] Install AC :-

Even though box air conditioners are more compact in size, they are still quite heavy to manage on your own. It is recommended to get an extra pair of hands to help you lift the AC to avoid any unfortunate events. The use of a waterproof tape along the border of the window can be quite effective in assuring the conditioner's safety from the cold and the rain, while preventing cold air from escaping the room.

[6] Install and Adjust Brackets :-

The window ac unit comes included with a pair of angle brackets that helps support the weight of the unit in place. It essential meant to lock it in a position and prevents it from falling. You can install the bracket with the help of a screw driver; one on the inside of the window and another on the outside panel.

[7] Seal the Gap :-

The final step to bring this entire process to fruition is by sealing the gap between the AC unit and the window frame. This can be done with the help of an insulating foam strip, which is either available with the unit or can be purchased separately. You can cut the strip with a pair of scissors if it's too lengthy in size. What you need to make sure is that the foam strip fits perfectly snug within the gaps of the window frame.

Even though a window air conditioning unit is pretty straight forward to install, you can still leverage the service of a professional to get the job done more quickly at an affordable price. Check out Dashar Services for all your AC installation requirements.

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